Recor­ding Music. Recor­ding History.



Bring music to life


No Pro­blem.


Dies ist ein Typo­blind­text. An ihm kann man sehen, ob alle Buch­sta­ben da sind und wie sie aus­se­hen. Manch­mal benutzt man Worte wie Ham­bur­ge­fonts, Raf­gen­duks oder Hand­gloves, um Schrif­ten zu testen.

Manch­mal Sätze, die alle Buch­sta­ben des Alpha­bets ent­hal­ten — man nennt diese Sätze »Pan­grams«. Sehr bekannt ist die­ser: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy old dog. Oft wer­den in Typo­blind­texte auch fremd­spra­chige Satz­teile ein­ge­baut (AVAIL® and Wefox™ are test­ing aussi la Ker­ning), um die Wir­kung in ande­ren Spra­chen zu tes­ten. In Latei­nisch sieht zum Bei­spiel fast jede Schrift gut aus.

Wel­come to Voicer

Mein Stu­dio

XX Qua­drat­me­ter – XX Räume


Meine Pro­jekte

Ame­ri­can Girl
Bon­nie McKee
Into The Sun
Rob­ben Ford
Bet­ter Nature
Sil­ver­sun Pickups
I Don’t Care
Nicki J.

Our Cli­ents

  • Michael Earle
  • Ann Hous­ton
  • Nata­sha Ward
  • Katie Dunnv
  • Roger Hoehne
  • Tho­mas Elliott
  • Bobby Hodge
  • Lisa Cook
  • Natha­lie Smith
  • Ben Wor­rell
  • Jane Wilcher
  • Pau­line Day
  • Gabriel Chau
  • Galen Mar­tin
  • Michael Earle
  • Michael Vaz­quez
  • Matthew Dun­can
  • Rickey Camp­bell
  • Jona­than Ku
  • The­resa Ochoa
  • Angela Hun­ley
  • Beverly Plea­sants
  • Louis Shay
  • Ste­phen Rivers
  • Alan Doody
  • Betty Cochran
  • Mar­lene Fowler
  • Lois Olson

Latest News

Find out about ever­y­thing hap­pe­ning here at Voi­cer. Keep an eye outhere for all of our upco­ming events

Recor­ding Check­list for Bands/Artists

We are always try­ing to help out bands and artists get a great sounding…

Spit­fire on a Roll With New Orchestral

The final parts of Spitfire’s Stu­dio Orches­tra Library are released…

Roger Mayer Updates Clas­sic Mastering 

Respec­ted elec­tro­nics engi­neer Roger Mayer updates his much-loved RM58…

The pro­ducts I have pro­du­ced with their help have been accoun­ted out­stan­ding, both in terms of music and gra­phics. I recom­mend Voi­cer unre­ser­vedly and unqualifiedly.

- Ida A. Wakefield

My first initial ses­sion to record a demo for my publisher was meant to be a one-off. I was so impres­sed with the stan­dard and level of ser­vice that I went back to record songs

- Ida A. Wakefield

I wan­ted to drop you a brief but sin­cere cou­ple of lines of thanks for all the hard work you put into making the music & sound behind Eco­nomy Gas­tro­nomy such a suc­cess. Despite having a brief thrown

- Ida A. Wakefield

Our Engi­neers

At Voi­cer we believe that the calibre of your engi­neers & pro­du­cers is just as important as the qua­lity of the stu­dio you work in

Bryan John­son

Engi­neer / Owner

Linda Tho­mas

Engi­neer / Owner

Jes­sie Ramirez


David Reyna


Michael Had­lock


Eve­lyn Schultz


Insta­gram @Voicer

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Sel­ect your ses­sion and book online instantly. If you have anyques­ti­ons, you give us a call or email us